Poetry Videos:
"Upstairs the Eulogy, Downstairs the Rummage Sale"
"Conjoined Twins" in Cider Press Review
"Cleaning Out Zaide's Apartment" in The Sun Magazine
"2AM, and the Rabbinical Students Stand in
Their Bathrobes" analyzed on Poetry Unbound
"At the Request of the Organization for Jewish Prisoners"
in The Sun Magazine
"What About the Here and Now?" in TriQuarterly
"After Our Wedding" on The Writer's Almanac
"Hearing Roy Orbison in a Mikvah in Salem, MA"
on Vox Populi
"Prayer" in New York Times Sunday Magazine
"Poets are Purim Jews," an essay in which Yehoshua
draws on Chassidic theology to help explain
contemporary poetry's obsession with the ordinary.
Yehoshua's "Foreword" to the anthology
101 Jewish Poems for the Third Millennium
featured in Tikkun.
“And I Will Dwell Amongst Them, Amongst Each One:
The Individual Life as a Sanctuary in the Poetry
a personal essay featured on the Best American Poetry blog.
“Come, My Beloved, to Greet the Bride,” a personal essay
on a 16th Century Kabbalistic poem,
featured in Harvard Divinity Bulletin.